Hillside Nursery began with a dream in 1998 and now through the years of growth has become an inspiration Gerry and Sandy wish to share with all. Their unique style and surroundings are truly a joy to see and when you arrive at the picturesque garden center you'll find great thrills and a totally amazing atmosphere filled with fun and unexpected treasures. We also should add it's a once in a life time experience that you'll want to enjoy again and again.

Their Vision . . .
For Hillside Nursery to be a premier public garden center where their living collections promote knowledge of the vital connections between people and plants, fostering an appreciation of the natural world, providing outreach and respite to a diverse and vibrant local community and visitors from every walk of life and for those of any age.
Their Mission . . . They Delight in Sharing Their Life with Others and . . .
Creating and nurturing an environment in the beautiful "Chosen Valley" for learning, inspiration and enjoyment through excellence in horticulture.
Their Values . . .
To Model excellence in their "green by design" destination which to them becomes inspiring expressions of art in nature. The goal is to create a rich environment that nurtures and lifts every visitors’ spirit, touching their heart and engaging their mind. They enjoy connecting people with natures best and sharing their knowledge when able so others can create many sustainable designs of their own and manage them in a way that brings about an enriched life; therefore improving quality of life and beautifying the communities we all serve.
They have chosen to act ethically and with respect in fulfillment of their mission, and in their relationships with staff, volunteers, visitors and all customers. They strive to conserve their natural resources at Hillside Nursery and make our environment the best it can be.